porGanador médico
Exceptional Characteristics
Un apósito de espuma de silicona con un borde se adhiere a la piel alrededor de la herida, pero no al lecho de la herida en sí. Esto reduce la probabilidad de que la herida se vuelva dolorosa o dañada como resultado del apósito. El borde fue diseñado a propósito de una manera que mejoraría el rendimiento del apósito.
The topmost layer is specifically constructed to be watertight. The silicone foam dressing with a border offered by Winner Medical is of high quality and is appropriate for use in wound treatment.
Extremadamente susceptible al cuidado de la herida
Winner Medical produces silicone foam dressings with borders that have a thin, low-profile edge. This helps to decrease the possibility of compromising adhesion while also lowering the amount of wear and tear that the dressing is subjected to. Because of this, changing the dressing on the wound doesn't need to be done as frequently, which is beneficial for the wound's external environment as it heals.
Al mismo tiempo, Winner Medical produce apósitos de espuma de silicona con bordes para ayudar en la preservación de un ambiente húmedo de la herida propicio para la formación de la piel. Debido a su distintiva construcción de múltiples capas, el apósito de espuma de silicona es excelente para absorber la humedad y permitir que se evapore, lo que ayuda a prevenir el riesgo de maceración de la piel.
CProductos ertified
Winner Medical is the first company to have a complete product line in the disposable medical product market, especially in wound dressings. Winner Medical's wound dressings are technologically superior. Due to our leading position in China, we strive to pay more attention to our reputation and continue to develop our brand. With many local and international accolades, awards and recognitions, we are continually appreciated by society and the industry. The most substantive reason for all of these honors, awards, and recognitions is high-quality wound care supplies, as well as comprehensive wound protection solutions, wound care solutions, and more.
In addition to all of the benefits that have been discussed thus far, the items that Winner Medical offers may unquestionably make medical work and wound care more convenient.
Además del alto nivel de control de calidad que siempre emplean, los productos fabricados porWinner MedicalSon conocidos por su consistencia. Para más detalles, por favor visite su sitio web.