porGanador médico
Specifications of the Products
El apósito de alginato altamente absorbente para úlceras por presión con un borde es un producto de apósito que hace uso de la tecnología de espuma de vanguardia y posee una poderosa capacidad de absorción de exudado, having the ability to absorb up to 18 timesSu peso en exudado. The unique structure of the alginate material can hold five times its weight in exudate within the product after it has absorbed it, and it can continue to function normally while being subjected to pressure from the outside without releasing it.
Winner Medical utiliza un innovador material adhesivo hipoalergénico que, cuando se aplica y se retira de la piel, puede ofrecer un alto nivel de protección tanto para la piel seca como para los tipos de piel sensible. Debido a que no se adhiere a la superficie húmeda de la herida, reduce la cantidad de trauma que se produce en la superficie de la herida y la cantidad de incomodidad experimentada al cambiar los apósitos.
After absorbing exudate, the absorbent layer foam pad will Rápidamenteswell and protrude, which will make the dressing fit the wound more closely, eliminating cavities and exudate residue, as well as the risk of maceration and infection occurring.
Why Winner Medical is trustworthy? From the R&D point of view, Winner Medical has a group of professional R&D team combining theory and practice, relying on years of dedicated research on the production process and product characteristics of medical disposables, and has achieved innovation and breakthroughs time and again, and has established a medical-grade quality management system early in the industry. The quality of their products has stable uniformity and reliability. There is nothing more important than reliability and quality for medical products. From an innovation point of view, their dressings are made with innovative alginate technology.
El apósito de alginato para úlceras por presión ofrecido por Winner Medical alivia eficazmente la incomodidad asociada con el cambio de apósitos. Además, el apósito se ofrece en varios tamaños y configuraciones diferentes para que pueda satisfacer una amplia gama de requisitos clínicos. Para obtener detalles adicionales, visite elWinner MedicalSitio web.