porGanador médico
Comparable Features
El apósito para heridas de película de Winner Medical, en contraste con los apósitos de espuma convencionales, es semipermeable. Esta propiedad permite que el oxígeno y el vapor de agua pasen a través del apósito mientras que simultáneamente se proporciona un ambiente húmedo que estimula la granulación. Esto será beneficioso para el crecimiento del tejido interior de la herida, así como para la piel que rodea la herida.
Because the dressing does not adhere to the wound, there is less risk of damaging the tissue that is healing. In addition, the film backing keeps the dressing from ripping easily and creates an external environment for the wound that is unidirectional but still reasonably closed. This is ideal for wound healing.
Professional Manufacturer
El ganador médico tiene fuerza fuerte no sólo en materias primas y diseño pero también en curso de producir los productos, ganador médico también dedica mucha energía para asegurar calidad uniforme del producto y la producción eficiente.
Winner Medical attaches great importance to the construction of the automated production process, spending a lot of money to introduce imported equipment and build a first-class automated production workshop that meets international standards. The dressings are manufactured in a clean and sterile environment by the GMP requirements, and the dust-free environment meets the production requirements. The medical products are all sterile to ensure the safety of product use. This makes Winner Medical's products the first choice of major medical service providers worldwide.
Winner Medical ha estado involucrado en la industria de fabricación de productos médicos durante 30 años.
Winner Medical has always been conscientious and cautious in every step of production and has set up a strict monitoring system in the whole process of product production, implementing a very high standard of good quality, and not letting substandard products into the market. In addition, Winner Medical attaches great importance to internal discipline, and employees' production attitude is highly valued. emergency rooms around the world.
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