porGanador médico
The history of dressings: what pain point does foam dressing solve nowadays?
En los primeros días, las esponjas naturales de aguas profundas se usaban ampliamente para el tratamiento de heridas, que se remonta a la época medieval. Estas esponjas se usaban principalmente como absorbentes y agentes hemostáticos para controlar el sangrado y para la limpieza simple de heridas. Debido a que estas sustancias orgánicas no podían ser esterilizadas y se adhieren a la herida, cayeron de moda en el siglo XIX.
After technological development, the first foam dressing product for wound management was silastic foam, which was introduced to the market in the 1970s and was used for wound treatment. Two liquid polymers were mixed and poured into the wounded mouth to form a wound-shaped foam. This dressing is cumbersome to use, has to be changed daily, and is prone to residual debris, which is not a patient-friendly experience and does not provide good protection for the wound. Therefore, they are gradually being phased out.
El apósito de espuma adhesiva familiar consiste en espuma de silicona de alta calidad con una superficie lisa y se utiliza principalmente para el tratamiento de heridas hiperosmolares. Además, este apósito tiene una superficie plana, no deja caer fibras o partículas, y tiene buena permeabilidad a los gases. Sobre todo, tiene una alta capacidad de absorción. El apósito adhesivo de espuma de Winner Medical es un producto de apósito para heridas de muy alta calidad, gracias a los altos estándares de desarrollo y producción de Winner Medical.
INnovative Ganador Médico
Winner Medical is the first company to have a complete product line in the disposable medical products market and has received many international certifications, Winner Medical strives to improve the process, quality, and technology of its products to improve the quality and consistency of quality control. At the same time, Winner Medical has always put product quality at the forefront of its corporate culture to create a product line that is widely recognized by the medical industry and has consistent quality control to meet the needs of medical wound care. Seek more information at Ganador Médico’s official website.