porGanador médico
A Respirador de partículasis a vital piece of protective equipment for the medical industry. Like surgical gowns, they block the spread of viruses and bacteria through blood and aerosols, and Winner Medical, a leading manufacturer of medical disposables, is committed to producing high-quality, reliable particulate respirators for healthcare facilities.
The Concept of Choosing Particulate Respirators
Eficiencia de filtrado: The percentage of airborne particles filtered by the mask under specified conditions. The higher the filtering efficiency, the better the protective effect of the mask. The size of particulate matter depends on the standard.
Resistencia a la penetración por la sangre sintética: When blood is sprayed into the mask at a specific pressure, whether or not there is penetration on the inside of the mask. The pressure depends on the standard. The unit of this item is mmHg, to simulate human blood pressure, the test value is generally 80, 120, and 160. this test can reflect the mask's ability to protect against liquid spray.
Eficiencia de filtración bacteriana (BFE) refers to the percentage of the ability of the mask cover to filter out bacteria-containing particles under the specified conditions, which, in other words, is the blocking effect of the mask material on the bacteria that the wearer is exposed to.
Eficiencia de filtración de partículas (PFE) detects the percentage of micro-particle filtering ability of the mask hood, the larger the value, the better the effect of filtering suspended particles in the air (such as bacteria, viruses, dust, welding fumes, etc.).
El ganador médico produce los respiradores de partículas que se optimizan para los escenarios específicos del uso y se ofrecen ambos PFE and BFE of more than 95%, Lo que significa que Winner Medical produce respiradores de partículas con un rendimiento de protección excepcional.
The BFE index is mainly used for testing medical surgical masks and disposable medical masks to protect against larger particles such as saliva, blood spurts, droplets, and the bacteria or viruses they contain in general medical environments. The high BFE of Winner Medical products demonstrates that Winner Medical's particulate respirators block many droplets exhaled by the wearer, reducing the probability of two-way transmission.
Solo después de que la máscara contenga una capa de medios filtrantes calificados, puede tener una buena eficiencia de filtración. Ya sea que el medio de filtro esté calificado o no, el enfoque debe estar en dos indicadores clave, BFE y PFE. Hay una gran cantidad de polvo, bacterias y virus en el aire, una persona sana que usa una máscara con BFE y PFE calificados es como establecer una barrera para el tracto respiratorio, reduciendo así efectivamente el riesgo de contraer enfermedades infecciosas.
Winner MedicalLos productos tienen resultados de pruebas estandarizados y se fabrican con materias primas de alta calidad, lo que los convierte en la elección perfecta para la protección médica.